Budgie remix 16.04 released – Ubuntu 16.04 with Budgie desktop

As you know Ubuntu 16.04 LTS has been released in various flavours. The Unity, GNOME, KDE, Xfce, MATE, LXDE releases are regular ones but I haven’t seen Ubuntu with the awesome Budgie desktop yet. Budgie is the default desktop environment of Solus OS, it is built upon GNOME components and is targeted for desktop users. It is very customizable and it’s development is super fast thanks to the developer, Ikey Doherty.

Ubuntu Budgie

Ubuntu Budgie

Some enthusiasts decided to make an Ubuntu Budgie version. It is called Budgie remix at the moment but their goal is to become an official member of the Ubuntu family. Budgie uses Arc GTK theme and Moka icons by default which combination makes this DE look beautiful. Do you remember that Linux Mint 18’s artwork is also going to be based on Arc + Moka?

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