in elementary OS

Elementary OS team to continue Geary’s development?

Do you remember the open source company, Yorba? They are the one who wrote Geary e-mail client and Shotwell photo manager. I also did an interview with Jim Nelson a while back. The development of Shotwell has been stopped earlier and luckily elementary OS team forked it and continues working on it. Well, now it seems like Geary’s going to have the same destiny. According to the Wikipedia page of Yorba the company ceased, which is very sad because they really seemed to be a great open source company.


Pantheon Mail

The good news is that elementary OS team seems to take over the development of Geary e-mail app just like they did with Shotwell earlier. There’s already a Launchpad page for Pantheon Mail. Geary is the default email client in elementary OS so this step really makes sense, I’m glad they continue the development of my favourite email client.

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