LME Linux

New Version of Elementary Tweaks Released – Moved to a New Repository

Elementary Tweaks lives! After a long time an update has been released. The software now has a new maintainer and moved to a new repository, see instructions below on adding the repo and installing the new version. The maintainer calls this as version 1.0 and hopefully we can expect more frequent updates in the future for Tweaks thanks to him. If anytime you forget how to install Elementary Tweaks or you need more information about it, please remember that we have a dedicated page for it which is updated continously.

What’s new?

How to install Elementary Tweaks?

(optional) If you already have Tweaks installed from ppa:mpstark/elementary-tweaks-daily I advise you to remove that version and that PPA as well.

sudo apt-get remove elementary-tweaks
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:mpstark/elementary-tweaks-daily

Now add the new repository and install Tweaks:

curl -sL http://i-hate-farms.github.io/spores/install | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install elementary-tweaks


Now you can tweak the default GTK theme in Elementary Tweaks

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