Frugalware 2.0 Released
More than a year after 1.9 was released James Buren from Frugalware Developer Team announced the availability of Frugalware 2.0 (codename: “Rigel”). This version is the 20th stable Frugalware release. Most noticable changes since version 1.9 includes:
- Package updates:
- Linux kernel 3.14.19
- Xorg server 1.15.2
- KDE 4.14.3
- GNOME 3.12.2
- Xfce 4.10.1
- LXDE 0.99.0
- LibreOffice
- Mozilla Firefox 35.0.1
- Chromium browser 39.0.2171.96
- New features:
- MATE 1.8.1
Read the details in the official announcement.
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