in elementary OS

GTK 3.14 is Coming to elementary OS Freya

Just a couple of minutes ago a new tweet on elementary OS’ Twitter page suggests that a bigger update is coming soon. The most notable change is going to be the inclusion of GTK 3.14 which is very good news. The update is going to be available within a couple of hours. Simply run the software updater app to check if it’s already arrived. It will also land in Freya beta 2 by default which is probably just a couple of weeks away now.

  • Bergkamp

    How do you now that beta 2 will come the next couple weeks?

    • pappfer

      I don’t known it for sure, I just suppose. There’s just a couple of bugs left (see the counter at the top left) and they’re working on those for quite some time now.
      Also, couple of weeks could mean even more than 2 months, but yeah it’d have been probably better if I wrote “I think” before that statement.

  • Anon

    You should really change your cache settings. I was on your front page multiple times the last weeks and always thought there are no new posts because a cached version of October (!!) was displayed.

    • pappfer

      Thanks for pointing this out. Should be fixed now.