in elementary OS

New Notifications Settings Menu Coming in elementary OS Freya

One of the new features of elementary OS Freya is a new notification system. It now looks more beautiful and it’s also smarter than the one in Luna. The new notification system not only shows IM messages, audio track changes, etc, but it also shows completed Terminal tasks, what I find very useful.

Elementary OS is not famous about it’s customization, so I was surprised to see that the new notification system also gets an own Notifications settings menu within Switchboard. It’s going to look like this (click on the image to enlarge):

Notification Settings in elementary OS Freya
Notification Settings in elementary OS Freya

If you don’t use Freya yet, check out this short video about the new notification system:

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  • leakymirror

    Where I could find that settings window? I am using Freya Beta.

    Also, two more questions: which app is sending notifications about new message in your video? And which app in bottom menu has a red counter?

    Really nice setup you have 🙂

    • pappfer

      It’s not present in Freya beta at the moment, but it’s coming soon. 🙂
      Pidgin is sending new message notifications.
      At the bottom with the red counter it’s Geary e-mail app.

  • Guest

    Also, another two questions: which app is sending notifications about new message in your video? And which app in bottom menu has a red counter?

  • Jose Reyes

    that’s really AWESOME!

  • Anon

    The plug seems to waste a huge amount of space. The same functionality would easily have been possible with a list view and would involve a lot less clicking.

  • How change the sound file in the notification setting? Unable to change any sound? Useless functions without the capacity to change sounds.