LME Linux

Workspace and USB Indicators for elementary OS Freya

Elementary OS 0.3 Freya is heading towards beta 2 release while already many people are using it. I’ve got some good news for you guys if you like indicators (those little icons at the top right corner). There are some 3rd party indicators already available for Freya, I’ll show you two:Workspace indicator and USB indicator.

Workspace indicator

The name is actually “Indicator Workspaces” and it has a dedicated website: http://dysonsimmons.com/indicator-workspaces/. It lets you configure workspaces (add/remove them) and navigate between them through the panel.

Indicator Workspaces Preferences Window


You can get the .deb package from here: https://github.com/dyson/indicator-workspaces/releases/download/v0.3/indicator-workspaces_0.3_all.deb.

USB indicator

Indicator USB is the same as the Ubuntu one, if you already used it. It shows you the mounted USB drives on the panel which you can safely unmount to prevent data loss for example. In case there’s no mounted device the indicator remains hidden.

You can install it by typing these commands to Terminal (it adds a new PPA, so you’ll get new versions automatically).

sudo add-apt-repository ppa: yunnxx / gnome3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-usb