in Linux Mint

LMDE 2 “Betsy” is Coming in November

As I wrote about it previously, LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) is switching from Debian Testing to Debian Stable build. Now the leader of Linux Mint, Clem announced the codename of their upcoming LMDE. It is called “Betsy” and it will use a Debian “Jessie” package base.

LMDE 2 “Betsy” is estimated to be released in November. It will be upgradeable from current LMDE UP8.

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  • Rich ‘Forge’ Mingin

    Uhh, you say it’s switching from testing to stable, but you say it’s switching to Jessie. Jessie is testing, not stable. Jessie will start a freeze towards becoming stable, but not till November.

    It would be more accurate to say that LMDE is making the first steps towards switching from periodic based on testing to periodic based on stable, but I can see that would be more wordy than you wanted.

  • rvkbob

    LMDE was my favorite distro until it walked away from the rolling distribution idea. Having used Linux in various distros for nearly 20 years, I can firmly state that I HATE HAVING TO WIPE MY HARD DRIVES EVERY FEW YEARS!